Production Update #3

This was sent as a production update email on the 8th of December 2024

Hello hello! Another production update! And this one has some good news.
We have started shipping orders! Wahoo!

You will get a confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order ships!

Please update your shipping address if you have moved. Email me

Now, that being said, the shipping process takes us quite a long time. We take our time with each order to do final assembly, quality checking and packing. So we appreciate your patience through this busy period! This is where the real work kicks in for us. For reference, last time it took us about 6-8 weeks to ship every single order. We’re shipping sequentially, so the closer your order was to August 1st, the earlier it will send.

As for Christmas delivery, the majority of orders will not arrive in time for Christmas. This time of year, the global shipping networks get extremely busy. And coming all the way from Australia adds a bit of extra time to that too.

If you were hoping to give this as a Christmas present, we’ve made a little postcard you can print out and give on Christmas day as a little teaser of what is coming soon!

Speaking of global shipping networks, there is currently a strike with Canada post! So we are not able to ship to Canada currently.

Our only option is to wait until the strike has been resolved before we can begin shipping to Canada. Best of luck to the striking workers! Hopefully it can be resolved well.

Maximum Capacity Reached

We recently had our last component arrive, the wooden boxes. And boy oh boy did I underestimate the size of them all together.

These boxes completely overwhelmed our work space, and we had to get an overflow storage locker, which as you can see is packed to the brim too.

When these arrived, it made me really understand the scale of this project. Each and every order represents a real person and I can’t express how grateful I am for your support.

I’ve said it before, but this project started out as a little hobby for me a year ago, and it’s now taken over my whole life. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Thank you again, and as always feel free to reach out to me anytime -



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